“Electronic music is unique in that, whilst it has an immediate effect on the body, the culture surrounding it has the ability to run deep into your life. whenever i’m in a club, i want to give myself up to music. this is the very thing that excites me the most. witnessing a dj create an atmosphere in a room from the ground up takes patience and effort from everyone present but when the pivotal moments hit, your watch stops ticking.”
“the music that always hits hardest is what i’d consider to be unreal, something that sounds like it comes from another place entirely and moves at its own pace. i want to create those moments where opening your eyes on a dance floor becomes difficult. when the outside world is nothing more than a distant thought.”
“DJing is nothing more than sharing the music you believe in with like-minded people, Find records that mean something to you and ignore everything else.”
“I work much better in the daylight. I associate the night too strongly with clubs and DJing. I like mornings the most.”
“I recently tried putting something onto cassette but the machine was broken so all it did was create a static atmosphere which sits over an entire track like a beautiful fog—it’s something that would have been impossible to write. I’ve also been taking a contact microphone out with me around London and running the results through layers of distortion pedals. What gear you have is irrelevant; everything comes down to how your process your sounds.”
“I’ve come to the conclusion that music finds you. You need to open up your mind to all creative thoughts from outside your immediate world: surround yourself with art and people you find inspiring. This is crucial. To me, it’s the only way to live life”
” If you truly believe in something then it is worth seeing through.Follow your instincts. If you’re already playing then you must be doing something right—respect to you. Keep your head down and keep going.”
“Everything that happens in your life is affecting your head, which means that once you step in the studio, an unconscious element almost entirely takes over. Your instinct is unique to you and you have to embrace it. The least productive studio sessions are those when you consciously try and make something sound similar to an already existing track. The moment you let go is when the exciting ideas emerge.”