Beirut, Ciudad Juares, Tehran, and more cities attract attention not only as troubled or once troubled places, but also as places where hope and music unite people. In Egypt, the situation is not thre…
Art Department Interview for Be-at TV
Art Department about touring with a fractured ankle, the split with Kenny Glasgow and Donald Trump. Jonny White and Kenny Glasgow’s brainchild Art Department burst onto the scene in 2010 with their de…
Inappropriate GIFs You Can’t Share on Facebook
Some serious GIF art, part of which you can’t post to Facebook. A genius artist of psychedelic and surrealistic GIF art with a great sense of humor and deep knowledge of classic art. Inappropri…
Step – The Vinyl Only Label by Catz N Dogz
The Pets Recordings label owners – Catz N Dogz, run a vinyl-only imprint called Step. “We’re up for experiments” say Voitek and Greg. Pets recordings is the label which has a s…
In the Booth With Subb-an
Interview With Subb-an: New releases, Laying his head at the studio between the gigs and the Festivals he loves Back in the summer of 2006, Sound Design undergraduate Ashique Subhan, aka Subb-an, woul…
This Art is Made From Real Ecstasy Pills
10,000 Ecstasy pills have been used to built this giant mural, which looks like a window in a church until you come closer… £175,000 worth of ecstasy in one exhibition by the Ministry of Sound l…
Misstress Barbara Interview: There is gender discrimination in every aspect of our life, every day.
Her name doesn’t have to do anything with BDSM, though she is tough. Misstress Barbara is a wordplay between Miss and Stress. She is one of those musical producers, who got into the business to …
Techno VS EDM – a Complete Illustrated Guide
Techno VS EDM – a Complete Illustrated Guide with videos. What is techno and what is edm? Some people think they are the same thing. And that’s not so. Let’s start with a simple expl…
R.I.P. Fabric… All #SaveFabric Sets in one place
fabric is closed for good… Just a couple of days ago, there was hope that one of the most famous and notorious clubs in the world will reopen after an investigation of two teen deaths held by th…
This is Xosar And You Must Listen to Her Live
This is Xosar And You Must Listen to Her Live Xosar is a San Francisco based electronic music producer, who looks like a beauty queen. The music she makes takes it’s roots in the everlasting det…