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Berlin is getting a new club space

German capital Berlin stands for one of the best destinations for clubbing. Even if you don’t want to go to Tresor or Berghain, there are a lot of great clubs that city offers you can choose from. Rit…

Someone made a Berghain-scented perfume

The Norwegian artist and “smell expert” Sissel Tolaas, made a Berghain-scented perfume. Most famous club in the world and techno sanctuary, Berghain is know for many things, great sound system, amazin…

Would you rave in the Moscow Subway ?

The Moscow Subway is considered as the most beautiful subway in the world, and that is a well-deserved title. Most of the stations, built within the Soviet Era reflect the urge to be the most impressi…

Watch it !

Watch it ! Human Traffic The Classic Clubbing Film Celebrates 18 ! There’re a lot of reasons why “Human Traffic” is one of the best club movies of all time. It doesn’t need to shoehorn evil drug deale…