Cartoon Themed Ecstasy Designs to remind you of your childhood in a twisted way.
Ecstasy pills are produced by hundreds of labs all over the world. Thus, the everlasting contest requires a way to distinguish one from another. The purity, the amount of MDMA contained and the effects are crucial, but how people could distinguish a good pill from a bad? Producers started marking the pills with their signs, just as well as some street drug dealers sign or stamp packages with a signature mark. Now, pills are often referred to by names, which usually simply describe the design of a specific batch.
Cartoon Themed Ecstasy Designs
The designs vary from simple forms, stamped with a letter or image, others are created in forms of famous brand logos or as in this case, cartoon characters.
The cartoon-themed pills create a dissonance – the images, well known to kids are used in a serious drug industry. In the last years, E production made a step forward and the round or square pills are replaced by all kinds of shapes and colors. The latest design which attracted attention of everyone who knows what E is, was the Barack Obama MDMA pill.
Cartoon Themed Ecstasy Designs to remind you of your childhood in a twisted way.
Just be careful – don’t overdose on a Sponge Bob.