“2001: A Space Odyssey” is an epic movie by Stanley Kubrick, filmed in 1968. The film is a 168-minute pleasure to the eye, worth watching on a big screen, but also cozy enough to watch on …
Kevin McHugh aka LA-4A, aka Ambivalent, will release his debut album in May
Kevin McHugh AKA LA-4A, AKA Ambivalent, had launched his label “Delft” when he started working as LA-4A. He now resides in Berlin and releases “roots techno”, as he calls it, by Alden Tyrell, Matrixxm…
Dekmantel Festival Opening Event Lineup Announced
The Dekmantel Festival HAS PROMISED us an interesting underground lineup and the opening concerts are proving they are going to keep their word. Cabaret Voltaire, James Holden, Shackleton & Ernes…
Playlist: The Great Women of Techno
There is a constant “fight” about the place of women in the men’s world. Women in art, no matter which, have a hard time proving that they deserve more appreciation, than just “…
Nowhere (Gregg Araki, 1996)
Gregg Araki is famous for his surreal approach to the stories of youth. His movies are almost as essential to watch as “Trainspotting”. Nowhere tells about a young man, looking for love. A…
Soundtrack: “Don’t Forget to Go Home” (Feiern)
Soundtrack to the documentary “Don’t Forget to Go Home” (Feiern) about the Berlin club scene. Watch the full movie HERE…
Movies: Don’t Forget to Go Home
This documentary is about the city that never stops – Berlin, and it’s nightlife. It was directed by Maja Classen and premiered in Berlin in 2006. The movie tells about all the ups and dow…
Jay Lumen: Dark Rooms. – Octopus Recordings
That’s a loud one. Please welcome Jay Lumen’s new release on Octopus Recordings. It will blow out the walls of a big festival room for sure.…
Red Axes: BIS Radio Show #823
Please welcome the new Israeli duo. You can listen to them live at Love International Festival in July…
Let’s visit all the festivals in 2016
Every year there’s a greater selection of electronic music festivals than the past one. Even the festivals that were not originally dedicated to electronic music try to incorporate it as much as…