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Art Department Interview for Be-at TV

Art Department about touring with a fractured ankle, the split with Kenny Glasgow and Donald Trump. Jonny White and Kenny Glasgow’s brainchild Art Department burst onto the scene in 2010 with their de…

Red Axes – Avalon (Correspondant Music)

Red Axes just landed a new release on Correspondant Music and it’s probably one of the best tracks this month. Red Axes have started in Tel Aviv, became a huge part of the local scene. Every tim…

Happy Mondays Playlist

No, this is not about the group. See the photo? This is our friend Alfonso. He shortly visited our office to arrange a little playlist of the music he likes to listen to during his Monday morning rout…

Techno Music Tattoo Ideas

These tattoos are real and they are made by the people, who truly love techno music. It’s not a joke to go and make a tattoo, no matter what it will say. It’s a permanent body modification…