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5 Techno Festivals You Need To Visit In October

Featured image credit: DGTL Tel Aviv We are at the very end of September and in case you still haven’t planned you festival destinations for October here are our suggestions for festivals in Europe yo…

Someone made a Berghain-scented perfume

The Norwegian artist and “smell expert” Sissel Tolaas, made a Berghain-scented perfume. Most famous club in the world and techno sanctuary, Berghain is know for many things, great sound system, amazin…

In the booth with Knarly Knob

We have the pleasure of speaking with a true master of his craft, Italian DJ and tastemaker Knarly Knob! Known for his work with Digital Traffik, and his second to none techno releases on on his own K…

5 techno tracks released this week you need to hear

For true techno heads, there is never enough of great techno music, so beside timeless classic of genre, great tracks are being released every day. Here are our picks for best techno tracks released t…

The Prodigy announced their seventh album

Legendary rave group, The Prodigy, is releasing new album. UK band, who also announced end of the career in the past years, announced on their facebook page that new LP is coming in 2018. Upcoming alb…