Some serious GIF art, part of which you can’t post to Facebook. A genius artist of psychedelic and surrealistic GIF art with a great sense of humor and deep knowledge of classic art.
Inappropriate GIFs You Can’t Share on Facebook:
Despite the gruesome Liberian situation, the GIFS made by Beaurain are filled with color, smiles and happiness. And his few works with classical paintings are hilariously inappropriate.
François Beaurain is a France-born self-taught artist of multiple artistic incarnations, who mainly works as a photographer, but sometimes extends to drawing, collages and drawing. He travels the world with his camera and sometimes makes amazing GIFS from the photos he makes in Morocco, France, USA or even Liberia, where civil war generals are well known for their cannibalism. Despite the gruesome Liberian situation, the GIFS made by Beaurain are filled with color, smiles and happiness. And his few works with classical paintings are hilariously inappropriate.
What is GIF?
GIF is a form of art, which is known since 1987. It’s not just a file extension or a type of an image, which moves. It’s a whole new art which has gained popularity among artists since 2010, since the technologies advanced dramatically and now GIF can be as informative and perfectly constructed, as a real moving picture we saw in the first Harry Potter movies in 2000’s.
Does the name John Woodell ring a bell? Probably not. But do you remember this GIF?
Right? John Woodell made this first ever GIF which went viral back in 1999, having taken an extract from then-popular 3D video of a dancing baby “The Baby Cha-Cha”.
What lays under the non-materialistic base of GIF is a great sense of humor.
“It’s easier to be funny with a GIF than with your own words,” Adam Pash tells in an interview to MakeUseOf. Pash developed the app And Then I Was Like. “When you type into a chatbox all day, sometimes it’s nice to have variety—it’s largely the same reason we use emoji/images/anything.”
Now, we can answer with irony by using a “Resting Bitch Face” GIF of Rihanna to stupid comments and with the famous clapping GIF from Citizen Kane