The youth of today will be having sex and taking drugs no matter if it’s legal or not.
We don’t support drug use, but we realise that ignoring the fact that people use drugs in our culture is not the best way to interact with the situation.
Thus, within the frames of our #changedrugperception campaign we are going to gather information and educate our readers about the drugs they can meet with at clubs and festivals.
The most popular drugs among electronic music lovers:
Ecstasy / MDMA (also known as E and Molly)
The users experience euphoria, feelings of happiness, love to the world, increase of perception of the surroundings. They can dance for hours or chat with people and consume the beauty of the surroundings.
MDMA overdose leads to disorientation, nausea, seizures and death. Death comes with extreme overheating and dehydration. Another danger of MDMA is that it is often replaced by so-called designer drugs, such as PMA which is a few times stronger and a few times more toxic than MDMA. Overdosing on ecstasy is very easy and it’s even easier to get the deadly effects if you don’t drink enough water.
One of the most expensive and popular drugs, which is produced from coca plant. The extract – pure cocaine is mixed on the way to the consumer with all kinds of chemicals to increase the income the producers and dealers get. Cocaine inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. It makes the user feel energetic, excited, happy and self-assured.
Cocaine is highly addictive and provokes depression and feelings of extreme loneliness, panic attacks as few of the aftereffects. People who use cocaine face psychological problems and sometimes end up at mental hospitals.
Ketamine has gained a reputation of a party drug in the last few years, becoming more and more popular. Initially synthesized as a war field anaesthetic, it took it’s way to medicine, but was banned in most of the countries from use even as a horse tranquiliser. Ketamine cuts the communication between a user’s brain and body. It gives a feeling of flotation and has a stimulating effect, which are described by the users as a feeling of being wrapped in a arm blanket.
Ketamine side-effects can be extremely dangerous, as the user doesn’t feel pain or even his body. The user can hurt himself. There are occasions when people get up and walk after breaking a leg. The feeling of disconnection with reality makes people live “inside their own head”, doing things that lead to extreme situations.
It causes agitation, panic attacks, memory loss and from physical side – problems with urogenital system. Regular users experience problems peeing, extreme pain and can face the irreversible health problems.
Ketamine is highly addictive and makes people crave it even being clean for a long time and acknowledging the danger.
There is no infographic available for Ketamine at this moment.
Designer drugs
Designer drugs are the drugs created by chemists in underground labs. The first time they saw the world was when a chemist from New Zealand decided to synthesise a replacement for methamphetamine which was killing his friends. The first experiments were successful, but soon the people using the drug he created started experiencing panic and anxiety attacks, as well as severe health problems.
The designer drugs that roam the streets now, are one of the most dangerous ways to get high. They mimic the effects of popular drugs, but using that lead to consequences, which can be deadly. People are known to kill themselves, being high and experiencing hallucinations. One of the most famous stories is about a man, who killed a homeless and ate half of his face.
Designer drugs consist of ingredients that are available over the counter and cannot be properly tested. The effects and aftereffects are unknown and uncontrollable.
Be aware that all people have their physical properties, some have conditions they don’t know about, and drug use can lead to overdoses which bring panic attacks, anxiety, depression, self-harming, cardiac arrest, hyperventilation, damage to organs and even death.
Watch the Nation Geographic documentaries to find out more about the drugs listed above and more: