Rockers is a cult movie about Jamaica, filmed in 1978 by Theodoros Bafaloukos. The movie was initially intended as a documentary and in the end, it turned out as a talented feature film, starring Leroy “Horsemouth” Wallace, Burning Spear, Gregory Isaacs, Big Youth, Dillinger, and Jacob Miller.
The main character is Horsemouth, who decides to earn some money by selling vinyl records and buys a motorcycle to take them to radio stations and sound systems. Then the bike gets stolen…
“Rockers” is a unique experience. The Patois of the heroes is almost impossible to understand, but it sounds like music, and you enjoy it. English subtitles help to follow the plot. The actors don’t play, they live their lives, dress in their clothes, speak from their hearts. A positive Jamaican intervention in your life.